
4 Ways to Stay Focused and In the Moment


The seemingly limitless energy and enthusiasm of a child can be refreshing to most of us who associate vitality with age. While biological age indeed has something to do with vitality, the ability to maintain complete focus on the present moment also helps. Adults can easily have the same energy and enthusiasm as children when they, too, are able to focus on the present. But what is the secret?

Focus on the Present

Half of the time, we find ourselves thinking about something other than what is right in front of us. While daydreaming can lead to creative insights, and time spent planning for the future is useful, many of our other mind-wanderings are not.

Contemplating about the past is often linked to regret, anger, or a longing for ‘the good old days’, while worrying about the future leads to stress and anxiety. We are never happier than when we are taking in the present moment — even if we don’t actually enjoy the activity.

Naturally, we want unpleasant moments to end as soon as possible, and hold onto the pleasant ones. But it is when we stop resisting what is happening, and simply embrace it without trying to change it or hold on to it, that we can remain in the childlike flow of being.

Drop the Protagonist Act

Most – if not all – of the time, we are at the center of our own lives. We are therefore easily upset when things don’t go our way, causing us to dwell in negative emotions.


But we must accept the fact that, as important as we may seem to ourselves, we are but one among billions and our life is too short to wallow in self-pity. We need to look beyond ourselves and imagine watching ourselves on-screen as a movie protagonist. An onlooker knows that ups and downs are a part of life (and good movie plots), and doesn’t forget to enjoy the popcorn.

Calm Your Mind

Yoga can greatly improve focus. Physical exercises reduce lethargy in the body and build physical strength while breathing exercises calm the mind and build inner strength.

Meditation draws focus on the being. A centered mind is less preoccupied with self-centered thoughts or the outside world, and is more present and harmonious. Regular practice trains wandering minds to quickly return to center whenever we lose our cool, thereby allowing us to go with the flow, and observe rather than react.

Valuing downtime is also important. Quieting our daily lives doesn’t require a huge amount of time – sometimes it just means turning off the music, unplugging from gadgets, or exploring the outdoors to observe nature.

Provide Some TLC

Love provides a heart-wrenching quickening of the soul, and sometimes it’s all that we need. Offering a helping hand or caring for a loved one can give us that feeling of being fully “in the moment” that comes naturally to children.

Source: Psychology Today

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