
Epidemiological studies indicate that parasitic infections are some of the biggest health problems globally. While most people may think they only apply to the developing world, the incidence rate can range anywhere from 50-95% even in developed countries.

Dr. Okoye

Your questions are answered by:
Dr. Okoye

Leading Scientific Expert, M.D., with a Masters in Epidemiology, and a Disease Expert. With over 18 years of research experience, and 22 years of Microbiology expertise.

Working experience: more than 22 years


In this Q&A session we are going to discuss this medical issue with Dr. Okoye, Leading Scientific Expert, M.D., with a Masters in Epidemiology, and a Disease Expert.

Correspondent: How can they cause death? It is just worms that have this effect on the human body?

Dr. Okoye: In reality, that’s a big misconception to think that parasites can only be worms. There exists a huge number of different kinds of parasites living in various organs, which lead to the greatest variety of consequences. In addition, worms, or more notably helminths, are quite dangerous. They literally destroy the intestines and can increase the risk of mortality.Unfortunately even helminths are hard to discover and eliminate. When people go swimming in ponds and freshwater lakes, they can get infected with parasites.

There are thousands of parasites that can live in your liver, brain, lungs, blood, and stomach. Some of them immediately start acting aggressively and destroying the body. Other parasites live unnoticed until their number becomes so great that the body can no longer resist them, so the person dies. They cause a range of fatal complications: heart attacks, cancerous tumors, cirrhosis of the liver, nephritis, decomposition of the kidneys, etc. Parasites themselves help spread diseases between hosts, which can be fatal. Malaria, which is a big issue globally, is caused by a parasite.

At the same time, I can confidently say that practically everyone is infected with parasites. The challenge is, most of them are extremely difficult to detect.

Correspondent: Can you give some specific examples of medical cases of infestation?

Dr. Okoye: I could tell you about hundreds of cases. But, perhaps, I will focus on those examples that clearly demonstrate the dangers of parasites.

1. PARASITE infections commonly involve tapeworms or ticks, – a worm usually found in cats and dog.It had become raised and itchy – with a snake-like appearance .It is a parasitic worm hiding beneath the skin, according to a recent case report published this month in The Journal of Emergency Medicine.

Examination showed that it was a type of parasitic infection called cutaneous larva migrans.

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Source: https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/797845/parasitic-worm-infection-holiday-caribbean

2. Kelli Mulhollen Dumas’ son Michael came home with pink marks on his feet after spending the day at the seaside. The bumps developed into a red, itchy rash and they were stunned to discover that hookworms were responsible. Hookworms are parasitic worms that can infect humans by getting under their skin in countries with poor sanitation.

The lava is found in soil contaminated with human faeces and can infect people if they come into contact when walking barefoot.

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Source: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/719773/Hookworm-warning-parasites-beach-summer

3. Greaney had keratitis, an inflammation of the cornea, caused by Acanthamoeba castellanii, a parasite that was living and feasting on her eye.

A. castellanii is a ubiquitous organism, found in many ecosystems worldwide. It is able to survive in harsh environmental circumstances – even in some contact lens solutions – and this is A not the first occurrence of A. castellanii appearing in the eye. Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) is a neglected malady frequently associated with contact lens wear and it is thought Greaney caught the bug after splashing tap water on her contact lenses.

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Source: http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/d-brief/2015/05/26/eye-parasite-contact-lens/#.XRJjlusza00

Correspondent: How can a person find out that they are infected with parasites?

Dr. Okoye: Unfortunately, there are no sure methods of diagnosing parasites inside humans. Partly, this is due to the existence of so many types of parasites (more than 2000 species of which are known), and partly to a very high level of difficulty of their detection.

The first symptoms that show the presence of parasites in the body:

  • Skin bumps and rashes;
  • Bad breath;
  • Allergies (rashes, watery eyes, runny nose);
  • Rashes and redness on the skin;
  • Frequent colds, sore throat, nasal congestion;
  • Chronic fatigue (you get tired quickly, no matter what you do);
  • Frequent headaches;
  • Constipation or diarrhea;
  • Pain in joints and muscles;
  • Nervousness, insomnia and appetite disorders;
  • Dark circles, bags under the eyes;

Correspondent: How can people get rid of parasites and protect themselves?

Dr. Okoye: The current situation with medications for treating parasite infestation is quite problematic. Of course, there are some highly specialized drugs that can cleanse the body from helminths. There are more or less effective drugs against certain types of heartworms and liver parasites. The main problem with them is that they affect only one particular type of parasites. While each person is infected with 7-8 species, at least. If we take the average numbers, we may get 11-14 types of parasites for each infected person.

To date, there is only one comprehensive solution that allows to get rid of parasites. The antiparasitic medication is called Para-Axe Plus. Clinical trials have shown amazing results. Export of the remedy is prohibited up to the moment until the drug is fully provided for the population of the Philippines.

Correspondent: What makes Para-Axe Plus so special? What’s the difference between this medication and other antiparasitic products?

Dr. Okoye: As I mentioned, this is the only known working comprehensive antiparasitic solution available on the market. It helps to fully rid the body of parasites. That is why it is so sought after by international pharmacy chains and pharmaceutical companies. Compared to other antiparasitic drugs, it works to fight the entire range of parasites that could infect a human body. Considering the problems with diagnosis, this allows you to effectively cleanse the whole body. I mentioned before that it is quite challenging to detect what kind of parasites have infected the body. And Para-Axe Plus destroys and removes parasites from the body. No other drug available today is capable of this.

A huge benefit of this product is that it is not a chemical drug, but a completely natural product, which eliminates allergic reactions, intestinal flora imbalance and other problems that can arise when treating a disease with pills and making the body process chemical compounds.

IMPORTANT! The manufacturer has launched a special program, thanks to which the remedy is now available at a 50% discount!

This is a time-limited offer. The original Para-Axe Plus can be ordered on the OFFICIAL WEBSITE AT A 50% DISCOUNT!

paraaxeplus cleanse supplement

1. The effectiveness of Para-Axe Plus calculated using the standard technique (ratio of number of recoveries against the total number of patients in a group of 100 people who were treated with the remedy):

  • Elimination of helminths and eggs: 99%
  • Normalisation of the function and condition of the pancreas: 80%
  • Elimination of allergic dermatitis: 90%
  • Elimination of gastritis, ulcers, diarrhea: 90%
  • Elimination of anemia: 99%

2. No negative side effects, including allergic reactions, have been identified.

3. Para-Axe Plus is recognized as the leading remedy in the fight against parasites within the human body.

In addition to the Philippines, the remedy was certified in Europe at the University of Parasitology in Paris. Clinical trials have fully confirmed the British data. The French have even reported a higher percentage of convalescents. At the moment, the cycles of clinical research in China, Japan and Vietnam are being completed. Asian countries have a very keen interest in the remedy. All tests without exception have shown that the product has an extremely high level of efficiency.

Correspondent: I think our readers would like to know where to purchase Para-Axe Plus at a discount?

Dr. Okoye: This is a limited-time offer. And it is only available for specific regions right now. As I mentioned before, Para-Axe Plus can be purchased at a 50% discount.

All you need to do to get Para-Axe Plus is to leave a request on the website, specifying your name and phone number so that the operator can contact you. If you see that there is an option to leave a request, this means that the remedy is still in stock. I personally guarantee that all people who have left requests on the website will receive their orders.

Correspondent: Dr. Okoye, would you like to tell something to our readers before we finish our interview?

Dr. Okoye: The only thing I want to say is, take care of your health. Parasitic infection is not just a problem seen in developing countries, it is seen even here in the US. It can help spread diseases, affect your quality of life, and potentially reduce life expectancy, through the numerous medical complications. Para-Axe-Plus will help in promoting health and wellness. Get started by getting your hands on it today!

paraaxeplus cleanse supplement

194 comments today

Anita Fitriani

Anita Fitriani

I gave this product a go. I had lots of bumps on my neck and armpits. By the fifth day I could tell that their number reduced. Also, my stomach functioned better.

an hour ago

Dina Kharisma

Dina Kharisma

I also ordered myself Para-Axe Plus. It was delivered by courier the following day. I had many bumps on my neck. Started taking it and you have absolutely no idea what started coming out of me… I couldn’t even imagine such an amount of creatures living somewhere in my intestine. I don’t even want to think about it now… it’s horrifying.

an hour ago

tape worm
Yuni Fitrianti

Yuni Fitrianti

Guys, can you imagine! I saw worms in my baby’s pot. Totally disgusting!! I was terrified. My friend had the same problem not so long ago and she recommended me to try Para-Axe Plus. I immediately placed an order on the official website. Lots of dead worms came out from my child! After we completed the course, we went to the doctor and he said the baby had no more helminths. Para-Axe Plus works wonders. The good thing is that my son did not even understand he had some problem. This is what I saw in a pot for the first time (not for the faint-hearted!):

an hour ago

Andika Hartono

Andika Hartono

Thank you so much! When I started taking Para-Axe Plus I couldn’t imagine that I would ever get such a result. The pain in my stomach is gone now (I guess there was something living there), shortness of breath and bumps disappeared. And now, at 53, I feel better than any 30-year-old would. Thank you for telling people about the problem. They won’t ever hear such a valuable info from their local therapist.

an hour ago

Para-axe Plus

Para-axe Plus

Andika, thanks for the positive feedback.

Regards, Para-axe Plus

an hour ago



I tried Para-Axe Plus myself. The effect is simply amazing. I feel young and healthy. My immune system has been considerably strengthened over the 8 months that have passed since I took the course of treatment. I wasn’t unwell ever since! I could only dream about such results. I can’t recommend it highly enough.

an hour ago

Yudha Prawira

Yudha Prawira

I recently watched that BBC documentary about parasites. And this medication was mentioned. They said it was the best antiparasitic solution in the world.

an hour ago

Mitha Aprilia

Mitha Aprilia

I just placed my order. The parcel should be delivered within just a week. Cannot wait!

an hour ago

Agus Kurniadi

Agus Kurniadi

I used to have splitting headaches and bumps. I took Para-Axe Plus for a couple of weeks, and the problems are gone. I now can’t help thinking… What lived in there?

an hour ago

Indah Permatasari

Indah Permatasari

My grandmother taught me how to get rid of parasites using wormwood. My whole family drinks it, and, you know, it works! ascarids are literally falling out of my kids. But… it doesn’t help with bumps. I ordered Para-Axe Plus. Now I have no problems with bumps! By the way, we all stopped drinking that bitter wormwood decoction and all take Para-Axe Plus. It has the same effect, and the price is very affordable, and it’s much more convenient to use. And it’s now discounted!

an hour ago

Firman Agusta

Firman Agusta

Very interesting interview, thanks! You are opening people’s eyes!

an hour ago

Ayu Septiani

Ayu Septiani

What if it’s a scam? Why is it only sold on the Internet?

an hour ago

Hendi Pradana

Hendi Pradana

I agree with all these comments. When I started taking it, some ugly creatures came out of me. I panicked and went to see a doctor. He looked at all that and said those were the liver flukes. And if not for Para-Axe Plus, they could have killed me within 2 or 3 years.

an hour ago

Fandi Setiawan

Fandi Setiawan

Jen, have you read the article at all? What scam are you talking about when the payment is upon receipt? I ordered it, and it was delivered by courier. I checked everything, and then paid the money. Everything is sold on the Internet now, from clothes and shoes to various equipment and furniture.

an hour ago

Deni Kusnandar

Deni Kusnandar

Awesome product. Both my wife and I took it, and we both noticed a huge health improvement. Feels like we became younger, got more energy… When you get rid of parasites, you feel like a completely new person!

an hour ago

Suharman H.

Suharman H.

After reading all the comments I decided to order one for myself 🙂

an hour ago

Mira Kusumawandari

Mira Kusumawandari

You won’t believe that but I also had the same problem: constant lack of energy and vitality, I was about to give up… but, thank god, I found out about Para-Axe PlusPara-Axe Plus is a truly miraculous remedy.

an hour ago

Shania Destiana

Shania Destiana

Thanks for the tip. It’s time to cleanse the body. At least once in a lifetime. I’ve never done it before, but I think my life will be better without parasites 🙂 I’m pretty sure I have them. It’s easy to get parasites.

an hour ago

Yulia Hermansyah

Yulia Hermansyah

Thank you, Para-axe Plus, for telling about this remedy. Horrible creatures started coming out of me… Brrr

The parcel arrived very quickly.

an hour ago

Para-axe Plus

Para-axe Plus

Yulia, you are welcome. Tell me, please, how lond did your treatment last?

Regards, Para-axe Plus

an hour ago

Yulia Hermansyah

Yulia Hermansyah

about 15 days.

an hour ago

Para-axe Plus

Para-axe Plus

Thank you, Yulia.

Regards, Para-axe Plus

an hour ago

Hana Febrianti

Hana Febrianti

The result simply exceeded my expectations. The whole course took 1 month, now I feel 20 years younger.

57 minutes ago

Mega Dania

Mega Dania

I just took part in the special program.
Excellent conditions, hurry up!
The operator called me to confirm the order almost instantly. It’s terrible to live with worms inside.

55 minutes ago

Annisa Deandra

Annisa Deandra

My child got to the hospital because of helminths. The doctors failed. Para-Axe Plus is the only thing that helped. Thank you so much!

53 minutes ago

Wina Febriana

Wina Febriana

I saw the product in a private pharmacy, it cost 300 dollars! Fortunately, I ordered it with a discount from the official website.

48 minutes ago

Para-axe Plus

Para-axe Plus

Wina, pharmacies are also trying to sell the remedy. They make huge money on ordinary people.

Regards, Para-axe Plus

36 minutes ago

Melisa Hasanah

Melisa Hasanah

I’ve been using Para-Axe Plus for 2 weeks now. I’m full of energy. Previously, I walked like a half-dead old woman haha! The remedy is great!

Regards, Para-axe Plus

44 minutes ago

Ahmad J.

Ahmad J.

Just placed an order. I hope I’ll get it.

39 minutes ago

Para-axe Plus

Para-axe Plus

Ahmad, yes, there are still 87 packages in stock.

Regards, Para-axe Plus

36 minutes ago

Santi Ganarti

Santi Ganarti

I read the article and immediately decided to order it. I have almost all the symptoms, including bumps.

31 minutes ago

Winda Permatasari

Winda Permatasari

Guys, tell me where did you buy it? It isn’t sold in pharmacies, but I’m kinda afraid to stumble upon a fake one on the net.

27 minutes ago

Para-axe Plus

Para-axe Plus

Para-Axe Plus can ONLY be ordered on the official website Just click the link above! As part of a special program, Para-Axe Plus is now sold at a discount, so hurry up not to miss the deal!
And, please, beware of fakes.

Regards, Para-axe Plus

15 minutes ago


Representations regarding the efficacy and safety of Para-Axe Plus have not been scientifically substantiated or evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Click here to find evidence of a test, analysis, research, or study describing the benefits, performance or efficacy of Para-Axe Plus based on the expertise of relevant professionals. The statements made on our website have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.