
Does The Lipomelt Laser Work?


Everyone wants to look and feel their absolute best. After all, living a more fulfilling and happier life can come down to how comfortable you are with your appearance and your ability to participate in all that life has to offer. If traditional weight loss methods aren’t working, you might try another approach like LipoMelt.

LipoMelt Body Contouring can help you lose fat without the need for a costly and potentially dangerous surgery. But, what is LipoMelt laser treatment, does it work, and what can you expect from this type of therapy?

What is LipoMelt?

LipoMelt is also known as Red-Light Therapy because it uses a one-of-a-kind LED system to alter the body’s fat cell membranes. The laser “red” light makes some of the contents in fat cells melt and enter the body’s bloodstream.

Your body either processes those destroyed materials through the liver or uses them as fuel. LipoMelt doesn’t destroy fat cells completely but rather releases some of their contents.

LipoMelt is an FDA-approved treatment that is considered safe and has no downtime. It is an alternative to invasive procedures like liposuction.

Does LipoMelt Work?

Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

Any treatment that promises “fast” results is understandably suspect. No one wants to fall for some snake oil solution along the lines of fake diet pills or thigh creams that fails to live up to its promises. So, does the LipoMelt laser treatment work? According to the people who have tried it, the solution is something to consider.

In 2016, the International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism published research concluding that low-level lipo laser therapy could help reduce unwanted fat. The authors also stressed, however, that more studies were needed on this type of treatment.

The manufacturer of the Zerona laser sponsored a small clinical trial of its product. The trial concluded that participants lost an average of one inch off their hips and waist and an additional two centimeters from each leg. However, most regained at least some of that fat after stopping the treatment. Even so, the FDA approved the treatment for use in the U.S.

Who is the Best Candidate for LipoMelt Laser Treatment?

Not everyone should sign up for LipoMelt treatment. In fact, some people may wish to cross this one off of their list. While it works for men and women and many body parts that have excess fat, its use isn’t universal.

For example, LipoMelt isn’t a good idea for people who are looking for a quick solution to lose a ton of weight. But, it does work to target certain body areas like the stomach, hips, upper arms, or thighs. It can’t, however, be used for breast reduction.

If you’ve lost a lot of weight and have loose skin, you might also want to consider LipoMelt. Some clients have indicated that they’ve experienced an improvement in texture and skin tone as well as a reduction in cellulite.


Laser treatment is also not recommended for people with pacemakers or women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. LipoMelt laser also won’t address any underlying hormonal, metabolic, or physical troubles that might have led to weight gain.

If you want to have LipoMelt, you also have to be willing to commit some time and resources to the treatment. It’s not a one-time deal. Depending on your needs, you might have to go several times per week until you get the desired results.

A treatment like LipoMelt isn’t a miracle cure for unwanted fat. But it can certainly help anyone make progress if they have already been working to reduce fat through diet and exercise and want to get rid of excess fat in certain areas, such as the stomach or inner thighs.

What to Expect During a LipoMelt Session

Your provider will give you the information you need if you choose to get LipoMelt treatment, and some might have specific recommendations. Before your session, you can do some things to make your treatment more comfortable and effective:

  • Drink plenty of water before and after your LipoMelt session. Proper hydration helps flush toxins and fat from the system.
  • Avoid eating one hour before and after your treatment.
  • Eliminate or reduce your use of alcohol while undergoing LipoMelt treatment.
  • Avoid using or remove any oils, makeup, or creams before your session.

During a LipoMelt treatment, you will lie down on a table and relax while special pads are positioned on the parts of your body to be targeted. The session will last from 20-30 minutes.

Many clients see immediate results from LipoMelt treatment, but it’s a good idea to undergo multiple sessions to get the best results. In some cases, you might also want to schedule regular maintenance sessions to avoid the contents of unwanted fat cells from returning.

What Does the LipoMelt Laser Feel Like?

Depending on the target area (stomach, thighs, etc.), you may be asked to strip down to your underwear before beginning treatment. After you lie down on the table, the technician will aim the LipoMelt laser at those particular spots.

These low-level lasers are known as “cold” lasers, so you won’t feel any heat. There is no pain, redness, swelling, or tenderness either during or after the treatment. Depending on your schedule, you can go directly back to work, to the gym, or do whatever else you need.

Because the laser is dissolving parts of your fat cells and releasing that material into your bloodstream, you might feel something. Some people report feeling slightly nauseous or tired after treatment. Drinking plenty of water can help counter these effects.

The Difference Between LipoMelt and Fat Freezing Treatment

If you’re looking for a non-invasive way to reduce fat, you might also be considering “freezing” your fat with a therapy like CoolSculpting. Both LipoMelt laser and Coolsculpting have similar prices, but the procedures and technology are different.

As you know, LipoMelt uses a laser to get rid of fat. CoolSculpting “freezes” fat cells with a process called “cryolipolysis.” During treatment, the patient might feel a pulling or tugging sensation as the tissue is cooled to four degrees Celsius.

Both treatments are FDA-approved and nonsurgical ways to get rid of unwanted fat cells. But, patients tend to find that LipoMelt is the preferable of the two for several reasons. The treatment is more comfortable, and you can often get results with a shorter treatment regimen.

Ways to Make LipoMelt Treatment More Effective

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

While you don’t have to exercise or change your diet to use LipoMelt laser treatment, you’ll get better results if you do. Simply reducing your caloric intake and drinking more water (not soda, tea, or alcohol) will help your body and liver handle this type of therapy more effectively.

Exercise is beneficial as well. Cardio exercise can help you burn excess fat and keep off the fat that LipoMelt removes. Likewise, following a LipoMelt session with a short period of exercise can help stimulate your circulation to burn the fat that the therapy has released into your body.

You don’t have to be wealthy or a famous celebrity to enjoy the benefits of LipoMelt. It’s considered a safe and effective treatment to target problems areas of concern on your body. If you choose LipoMelt laser therapy for fat reduction and weight loss, you’re likely going to be pleased with the results.

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