


What Is the Difference Between Old World and New World Wine?

Old World wine tends to refer to wine that was made in Europe. However, it is interesting to note that the term can encompass wine made in both North Africa and the Near East as well, which have long-standing wine-making traditions of their own.

Old World wine is contrasted with New World wine, which means wine made in regions without such traditions. As a result, New World wine encompasses wine made in not just what is considered the New World, meaning Australia and the Americas, but also regions in what is considered the Old World that started making wine at later points in time, which include but are not limited to China, India, and South Africa.

Summed up, the line of separation between Old World wine and New World wine isn’t as simple and straightforward as it seems on initial consideration but interested individuals should have no problems figuring out which is which so long as they are willing to focus on the matter.

Should You Choose Old World or New World Wine?

With that said, choosing between Old World wine and New World wine is even more complicated. After all, the two terms encompass the full range of wines that can be found out there in the world, meaning that each one encompasses a staggering variety of products that have been made using a similar variety of skills, methods, and conditions. As a result, it tends to be much more important to look at the exact product that is under consideration rather than whether it is an Old-World wine or a New World wine.

New World vs. Old World Wine - which should you choose?

However, it is interesting to note that there are general tendencies, which might prove useful to interested individuals. For example, some people have described Old World wine as being lighter as well as having less alcohol in them. Of course, this means that New World wine is heavier with a higher alcohol level. Likewise, there are those that have commented on Old World wine being more acidic but less fruity in nature, which in turn, means that New World wine is less acidic but fruitier in nature. However, it is important to remember that these are no more than general tendencies, meaning that there are numerous examples of both Old-World wines and New World wines that flout these supposed rules.


On a final note, one more thing that people need to remember that even when an Old-World wine and a New World wine share a name, they are not guaranteed to share the same taste, not least because different growing conditions can make for very different tastes as well as other sensations. This is particularly true when it comes to wines that have protected status in certain countries because those are subjected to strict requirements when it comes to location as well as method of wine-making, which may or may not be applicable for wines in other countries where it is permissible for their wine-makers to piggyback onto those prestigious names.

Further Considerations

Red wines can stain teeth. But don't worry, simple at-home whitening can reverse that.

Regardless, learning the exact differences between Old World wines and New World wines can make for a very pleasant experience, particularly for those who love new experiences. However, if they are going to indulge, they should remember that red wine can stain their teeth whether it came from the Old World or from the New World. As a result, they might want to consider Cleaner Smile Teeth Whitening products to protect their beautiful smiles even when they have been drinking.

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