
Let Your Skin Glow on Your Wedding Day


The abundance of time is probably the greatest gift we humans have ever received – but while you’re planning for your wedding, it will begin to feel like the clock is ticking more rapidly towards the big day.

You’re probably hearing wedding bells way sooner than you should; and thinking about photo shoots, catering, and decoration setups probably take a toll on your daily routine. But, amidst all the stressful planning and coordinating, there’s one prep that should always be top-of-mind: skin care.

woman getting a facial

So, whether you feel like you have the luxury of time or you’re racing against it, here are some tips worth knowing that just might help you achieve the perfect glow of someone who’s celebrating the happiest day of her life.


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Form good habits

woman prepping her skin for a wedding

Good skin does not happen overnight. That said, it’s never too late to start a skincare routine. Form good habits and find out what product best suits you – whether it’s a good toner, a mask, a daily cleanser, or a moisturizer. There’s a growing selection of highly effective skin care products in the market that you can choose from. Stick with a good, solid routine that works for you – cleanse, tone, moisturize, and wear sun protection daily. A routine also gives your mind something pleasant to focus on, giving you a break from all the wedding prep stress.

Lifestyle Changes

woman's face surrounded by whole fruits

Make sure you’re making the correct lifestyle changes such as eating the right kind of food, avoiding smoking or drinking. Remember: Prevention is key. There are enough external factors that affect the skin’s condition, so make sure you do not intentionally harm your skin by pricking a pimple, squeezing a blackhead or even using a harsh exfoliator. Be gentle – always.

As you count the days (or even weeks and months) leading up to the vows, remember to be happy because time will be on your side because if you prepare early and work on skin issues the right way – you’ll finally achieve that blissful glow on your big day.

Source: Refinery29

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